Welcome to AST !
The Alexandria School of Theology (AST) is a strategic venture of the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa. We are the only Anglican theological institution in the Middle East which teaches primarily in Arabic.
The Mission of AST
Envisioning a growing, vibrant church, the mission of the Alexandria School of Theology is to teach, train, and form lay leaders, ordinands and clergy of our Diocese, members of the world wide Anglican Communion, and any other student who wishes to learn of Christ with us, in theological, missional and leadership skills, with a focus on mission in a pluralistic context.
The Vision of AST
AST is committed to the mission of our Episcopal / Anglican Diocese, by serving the Kingdom of God and growing Christ’s church through theological and spiritual formation of Christian leaders.
Formation at AST
includes three main areas: academic formation (theological engagement), spiritual formation (church involvement), and mission (community engagement).